Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Remember. Let Go...... Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.

So it's been almost a month since LOST left the airways and I'd be lying if I said its absence wasn't still painful to grasp. I find myself thinking about it even more than before and spending countless hours thinking about different unanswered questions and mysteries.
First things first. I loved "The End." It was shocking, fast paced, heartbreaking, gripping, and above all a beautiful episode. Is it the best? That's hard to say, it's still too soon. Was it the most emotionally exhausting episode ever? YES. And for a number of reasons. I'm not going to get into that now, though. Check back in 4815162342 posts and I'll get around to fully digesting it.

For now I'm going to go back and re-watch the series for what seems like the thousandth time and write about it here. For the most part I'll go in order, but I tend to watch certain episodes quite often so i'll probably talk about them a bit more. I'll try to keep my shipper thoughts to a minimum, but sometimes I may rant. And I apologize in advance for that.

That's all for now.



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